Noche (serie)
Night (Series)
Enamel and acrylic reverse glass painting
40×40 cm
(16×16 in) each

These series came about as a further development of a visual resource I have used in animated videos, which consisted on replacing background and foreground by black silhouettes. Here I created a series of nocturnal landscapes, sometimes populated by creatures, but mostly empty and still. Still lives inspired by old animation cels and the intimate spaces of gardens and suburbia.

I chose reverse glass painting (a technique usually looked down upon) to emphasize the ambiguity of the space represented inside the picture by turning the picture itself into a mirror. The almost complete disappearance of the artist’s manual trace further accentuates the unsettling character of the images. Part of the exhibition Sombra, Galería XS, Santiago, Chile, 2017.



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