Walking with a Killer

Video for The Breeders

Walking with a Killer
The Breeders
All Nerve
4AD Records

Walking with a Killer is taken from The Breeders latest album, 2018s All Nerve, their first album in a decade and their first in 25 years reuniting the iconic Last Splash line-up of Kim Deal, Kelley Deal, Josephine Wiggs and Jim Macpherson. The band’s fifth studio album reached #2 on four Billboard charts and Top Ten of the UK album charts.

The video was created using found footage and animation. Its a short horror film suggested by the music and lyrics of the song, which tell a murder story from the perspective of the victim. The video plays with this story in an oblique way though, through the addition of animation to a bunch of archival footage taken from around 30 different movies and educational videos. The intervened footage reveals the uneasiness that underlies the idyllic scenes, turning daily life into a horror story.


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